Garden Tiger Moth photographed by Gabor PozsgaiThis website has been mothballed.

It is no longer being updated but we've left it here for reference.

Further information


In times of changing conditions, with strong pressure from markets and citizens to adjust and innovate, farmers need timely access to knowledge & information, to training & education, and to facilitating & supporting services.

PRO AKIS aimed to answer the following question: How and from what sources can farmers get reliable & relevant knowledge, as well as orientation & support, in order to continuously evolve, to successfully solve problems, and to respond to external expectations & development opportunities?  read more on objectives...

Agricultural knowledge & information systems (AKIS) describe the exchange of knowledge and supporting services between many diverse actors from the first, second or third sector in rural areas. AKIS provide farmers with relevant knowledge and networks around innovations in agriculture. See also Overview of AKIS in Europe

Advisory services are one essential means to enhance problem solving, information sharing and innovation generating processes. In a functioning AKIS these services can be provided by various actors, among them formal extension services, training and post-secondary education bodies, NGOs but also by members of administration or research institutions. Since 2009, there is a European regulation obliging member states to set up a ‘Farm Advisory System’.

Findings were presented at the final conference in May 2015.  Selected findings are compiled in our brochure, also available in Bulgarian,  French,  German,  Polish  and Portuguese.

Policy recommendations were developed in discussion with stakeholders and the project's advisory boards.

View the latest press release. PROAKIS presented at Teagasc launch of Advisory Services Strategy, 22 June 2015.

Project duration: Dec 2013 - May 2015
